Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
We are called to love all the people of the world, and more importantly the children. We would love to have an opportunity to minister to your children and impart what the Lord has for them.

Sunday Mornings
Mustard Seeds
10:30am - 12:30pm
We welcome children from the ages of 5 years and younger to join us in our classrooms during the service.
Children will have a snack, play time, bible story , and be in a safe environment to learn about Jesus and how much He loves us.
Children will have a snack, play time, bible story , and be in a safe environment to learn about Jesus and how much He loves us.
Children's Church
10:30am - 12:30pm
Children from Kindergarten to 12 year olds are welcome to come and enjoy time with Pastors Don and Kathy.
During class time children will fellowship, have a snack, discuss their week, engage in a time of prayer for themselves and each other, then have an interactive bible lesson.
During class time children will fellowship, have a snack, discuss their week, engage in a time of prayer for themselves and each other, then have an interactive bible lesson.
The Warriors
11:30am - 12:30pm
Children from the ages of 10 to 15 years of age.
Youth of New Day gather to fellowship, play games and learn the word of God
They encourage and build each other up by strengthening each other as we learn about Jesus!
Youth of New Day gather to fellowship, play games and learn the word of God
They encourage and build each other up by strengthening each other as we learn about Jesus!